Title: “How Your ‘Leh’ Lifestyle Can Affect Your Health – The Malaysian Way”


Hey folks! Brace yourself, because today we’ll be taking a hilarious yet eye-opening journey into the crazy world of lifestyle and health. In Malaysia, where good food, vibrant festivals, and laid-back attitudes are abundant, it’s no surprise that our unique way of life can have quite an impact on our well-being. So put on your sarong, grab some teh tarik, and let’s dive right in!


1. “Eat Lah, Exercise Tomorrow” Mentality

We Malaysians have a love affair with food, and we wear that badge with pride! Our (over)indulgence often leads us to utter phrases like “Eat first lah, exercise tomorrow,” as if a simple jog can negate that nasi lemak we devoured earlier. It’s all part of our charming culture, but have you ever wondered how this affects our health? Spoiler alert: it’s not great. Beware of those expanding waistlines, my friends!

2. Mamak Sessions – Where Magic (and Cholesterol) Happens

Ah, the mamak stall, the quintessential Malaysian hangout spot. It’s where friendships are forged, football matches are debated, and where we consume more roti canai and teh ais than we care to admit. These late-night mamak sessions have become an integral part of our lifestyle, but they also contribute to a variety of health issues, especially if we make it a daily affair. So, enjoy that crispy roti canai, but beware of the health consequences lurking behind the laughter and teh tarik!

3. Traffic Jams – A Test of Mental and Physical Endurance

Living in Malaysia means experiencing an endless cycle of traffic jams. Balik kampung during festive seasons? Good luck, you’ll be stuck on the highway for hours! As we sit there, sweating in our cars and enduring a symphony of honks, our stress levels skyrocket. Stress not only affects our mental well-being but also has a huge impact on our physical health. So next time you’re trapped on the road, practicing some deep breaths might just save your sanity and your heart!

4. Bolehland Time – A Whole New Concept of Punctuality

In Malaysia, the idea of punctuality seems to have a different meaning entirely. We have come to embrace “Malaysian time” or as we call it, “Bolehland time.” Meetings scheduled to start at 9 AM may only commence around 9:30 AM, or sometimes even later. While this relaxed attitude may make life seem breezy, constantly rushing to catch up with lost time can lead to stress and anxiety. So, embrace the ‘Jam Kita’ concept, but don’t let it take a toll on your health!

5. The Great Durian Debate – Love it or HATE it

Okay, let’s settle this once and for all – are you a lover or a hater of the mighty durian? This spiky fruit is both adored and despised in Malaysia, dividing friends and families with its pungent aroma. But did you know that durians are packed with essential nutrients? However, consuming too many of these heaven-sent delicacies can have quite an impact on your waistline. So, enjoy your durian feast occasionally but remember, moderation is key when it comes to this divisive fruit!


In a nutshell, our Malaysian lifestyle undoubtedly influences our health, for better or worse. Our love affair with food, mamak sessions, traffic jams, and Bolehland time all play their part. But hey, life is short, and a good laugh is always a great remedy for any health issue. So, embrace the quirks of our Malaysian lifestyle while being mindful of its potential consequences on your well-being.

Remember folks, laugh a little, eat a little, and jaga-jaga lah!


  1. Can we really ignore exercise and “Eat first lah, exercise tomorrow”?
  2. As tempting as it may be to postpone exercise, staying physically active is crucial for maintaining good health. So, while it’s okay to indulge occasionally, don’t forget to incorporate exercise into your routine too!

  3. Are mamak sessions really that bad for our health?

  4. Mamak sessions can be fun, but the high intake of oily and high-calorie foods can lead to weight gain and health issues. Enjoy these sessions in moderation and opt for healthier choices or share food with friends to minimize the impact.

  5. Do traffic jams really affect our health?

  6. Yes! Spending long hours in traffic can cause elevated stress levels and high blood pressure. Finding ways to cope with stress such as listening to calming music or practicing deep breathing can help mitigate its impact.

  7. Does “Bolehland time” have any real consequences?

  8. While the relaxed attitude towards punctuality may seem harmless, it can lead to increased stress and anxiety, especially for those who highly value punctuality. Balancing flexibility with punctuality is key for a healthier lifestyle.

  9. Is durian really bad for our health?

  10. Contrary to popular belief, durians have several health benefits. However, consuming excessive amounts can contribute to weight gain due to their high calorie and sugar content. Enjoy durians in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Remember, folks, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is all about finding balance and having a good laugh along the way! Stay Malaysian, stay healthy!